Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lunch Punch Review & Giveaway - CLOSED!

UPDATE: THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED! Congratulations to oneangel,nova,coriwestphal, mummy2jj and lace for winning!


Sandra Says:

"I just wanted to say a big thank you for the lunch punch samples! We have used them often since you sent them over and my daughters have really loved the different way that their boring sandwiches have been presented. My seven year old feels very special when she can take an elephant to school and show off to her friends. We often ask her what animal she’d like for lunch!! The other added benefit that I have found is that we can get rid of the crusts in one little punch so not only does it cut the sandwiches for us but it gets rid of the little extra bits that my daughter just won’t eat which is just wonderful.

Once again, thank you so much, you have made an every day chore such as sandwich making a treat for all of us!"

5 Winners!

1st Prize - Critter Cutter Set & Match and Munch Set (1 winner)
2nd Prize - choice of set (4 winners)

Visit Lunch Punch and tell us which you would like to win: Match & Munch or Critter Cutters.
  • A winner will be randomly chosen, and the giveaway ends October 7, 2009.
  • To find out how to earn extra entries, click here!
  • Open Worldwide!

Lunch Punch


Cakeblast said...

My son is really into puzzles, so I would have to go with the Match & Munch! They are both nice though.

Cakeblast said...

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Anonymous said...

My students would just love both of these...I would like to win the Critter Cutters. They are both great though!

Libby's Library said...

These are so adorable...I'd like the Match & Munch set.

Thanks so much.


Housework Haters Club said...

Would love to win the Critter Cutters

@Decotta for Housework Haters Club

Housework Haters Club said...

Following you on Twitter

@Decotta (HouseworkHatersClub)

mummy2jj said...

wow what an awesome concept! i would love the match and munch set for my son!

mummy2jj said...

following twitter

mummy2jj said...

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tawndam said...

I think the Critter Cutters are very cute!

tawndam said...

rss subscriber

tawndam said...

google follower

Wanda said...

These are fantastic!
I love them!

Fokxxy said...

I would like to win the match and munch! very cool.


Nova said...

I'd pick the match and munch.

Jaime said...

We would love the Critter Cutters
copperllama at yahoo dot com

Sara L. said...

I would love to win the Match and Munch! Such a neat idea...I would love to try these on my picky eater!

wildflower00 said...

match and munch please
texasgirl (at) rocketmail (dot) com

Peggy said...

I always used cookie cutters for making the kids lunches and these are awesome!!
I love the Match & Munch,too cute! Even for adults a party food! Thanks

Julie said...

I like the Critter Cutters-darling

Julie said...

email subscriber

Julie said...

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aggie said...

I would like the Critter Cutters. I will have to come back to Lunch Punch to see what the VrrrM set will look like.

aggie said...

Twitter follower @localoba

aggie said...

subscribe by MY Yahoo

Leigh @ Organic Mamas said...

I love the match and munch!

aggie said...

follower gavagana(at)yahoo(dot)com

Leigh @ Organic Mamas said...

I follow!

aggie said...


Peggy said...

follow you on twitter

Peggy said...


chromiumman said...

love the match & munch

Anonymous said...

i love the Critter Cutters.

Anonymous said...

I subscribe to your RSS feed.

Anonymous said...

I like the critter cutters.

Anonymous said...

I would choose the critter cutters. I have been using ordinary cookie cutters for awhile. The best part of these critter cutters-they use the whole sandwich almost. Thanks for the great giveaway

bsyb100 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow you on google blogger.


bsyb100 at gmail dot com

sandrinigirl said...

The Critter Cutters are adorable!

katie klein said...

We are definitly a puzzlu family so I would have to go with the match and munch.

bonggamom said...

The Match and Munch is so cute!

PS: I put up a giveaway roundup post on my blog where you can list your giveaway for all my readers to see!

Diana said...

Critter cutters!

Diana said...

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Diana said...

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Diana said...


Mary Preston said...

The Match & Munch would be my first choice, though it was not easy to decide. Both fabulous.


Dani said...

My little boy loves puzzles. I'd go with the Match and Munch. So cute!

Dale said...

I'd go with the Match and Munch.

tammyyarbrough said...

Follow your blog. Love the Match and Munch!

tammyyarbrough said...

Added your RSS- Match and Munch for us!! These are so cute!!

remarker/fcffollower said...

Would love to win the critter cutters -especially the dolpins

Jill said...

Love the critter cutters. The dolphins, Martin and Teresa are really cute. I know my daughters would love them.

tutucuteforme (at) hotmail (dot) com

roxxyroller said...

I tweeted!!


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Donna said...

I would love to have the Match & Munch! How cute. My niece would love these!

Denise said...

I prefer the Match & Munch, but I think my daughter would like the Critter Cutters, so I'd have to choose those.

Unknown said...

I like the Match and Munch!

Janet said...

Critters are too cute!Thanks


Kristie said...

I LOVE the Critter Cutters set!

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Katrina said...

I really like the critter cutters!

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

Beth Larrabee said...

The match and munch are so cool!

Metal Momma said...

I would get the critter set

mverno said...

critter cutters

Angela R. said...

Touch decision but I think I'm going with critter cutters!

phxbne said...

I like the Critter Cutters

phxbne said...



match and munch

Stephanie Grant said...

My son would love the critter cutters!

Stephanie Grant said...

Follow on twitter @sgrant2005

Stephanie Grant said...

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Stephanie Grant said...

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Stephanie Grant said...


Daer0n said...

I would love to win the match and munch :)

Nury77 at live dot ca

Daer0n said...

I follow you on twitter.

Nury77 at live dot ca

Daer0n said...

I tweeted:

Nury77 at live dot ca

Daer0n said...

I blogged:

Nury77 at live dot ca

Unknown said...

Awww, the Critter Cutters for us please and thanks! :)

Anonymous said...


wantsandwishes said...

I would like to win match and munch.

Aik said...

I'd love to win Match & Munch.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

critter creatures please :D

plur268 at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

I'm following on Twitter @aikchien

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

I tweeted.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

I'm a blog follower.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Match & munch, please

pansy said...

The butterfly is cute but like the fish too.

bison61 said...

I'd pick the Critter Cutters

tiramisu392 (at)

AB Smith said...

I'd pick the Critter Cutters

thanks for sponsoring this.


annaed_2 said...

Love the critter cutters!

annaed_2 said...

I follow in Twitter as annaed2.

annaed_2 said...

I subscribe to your RSS feed! ;-)

annaed_2 said...

I tweeted!

K said...

I love the match and munch!!! They are so cool!!!!

K said...

I follow you on twitter

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K said...

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K said...

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K said...

RT on twitter

K said...

I am a fan of Lunch Punch on facebook #2 in fact!

intensev5 said...

I really like the Match and Munch set --- thanks for the great giveaway:)

mogrill said...

The Critter Cutters are SO cute. I love this idea. It keeps lunch fun and different. Thanks for the chance.

CanCan (Mom Most Traveled) said...

Too cool!
I like the Eloise and Tootie critter cutters and I really love that Match and Munch...I would be thrilled to win either one! :)

onlycancan ta hotmail tod com

admin said...

My kids would love the Match & Munch set. They are so neat!

Egater said...

My favorite is Match & Munch
egateris at gmail dot com

kdkdkd said...

Critter Cutters would be great for my young boys

miller lawn service said...

My sons would love the Match & Munch set. Thanks!

Nuked Worker said...

Critter cutters ALL the way!

My3 year old would love the Ephelant.

naomicatgirl said...

I love the match n munch - my boys like puzzles, and they love shaped food!

Anonymous said...

Cute! My son is into puzzles lately, so I think he'd enjoy the Match and Munch set. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog. Thanks!

Jonnie (JB) said...

I would choose the match n' munch

Bettina said...

I would like the Critter Cutters for our house!

bettinawellmaker at gmail dot com

Tarah said...

CUTE! I would love the Critter Cutters!


Anonymous said...

I would love the match and munch
karryknisley76 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would like Match & Munch.
jswandrn @

Sharon Schoepe said...

I really like the Critter Cutters.

sweetsue said...

My grandchildren would love sandwiches made from the Critter Cutters.
smchester at gmail dot com

Smooshy said...

match and munch!

Seni said...

The Critter Cutters are great! It was hard to choose between the two though.

reflejo-del-alma (at) hotmail (dot) com

Seni said...

I follow you on twitter: rezseni

reflejo-del-alma (at) hotmail (dot) com

Cari K. said...

critter cutter

Cari K. said...

I subscribe to feed

Unknown said...

With an autistic child I would love the puzzle set... She'd have a ball at lunch and late night snacks too!!!

Punked Mom said...

I really like the Match and Munch Set

Punked Mom said...

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Punked Mom said...

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Punked Mom said...

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Tylerpants said...

The Match & Munch set would make lunch fun!

Tylerpants said...

I'm a subscriber.

Tylerpants said...

I'm a follower

Aimee said...

I like the Match & Munch set; my daughter's new favorite toy is puzzles. Thanks!

Aimee said...

I receive your RSS feed

Aimee said...

I clicked over from my blog to get here.

Unknown said...

Definitely the Critter Cutters- fab idea, these would be nice in our bentos.

Unknown said...

I follow you on Twitter- dddiva

Unknown said...

I sub via google reader

Unknown said...

I came from OLS

denyse said...

Critter Cutters would be cool!

Unknown said...

I would like the Critter Cutters for my son.


Unknown said...

Follower on Twitter- ksh123

Unknown said...

subscriber to Rss

Mishia said...

I love the Critter Cutters!

Mishia said...

I follow your blog.

Wehaf said...

I like the Critter Cutters!

urchiken at gmail dot com

Wehaf said...

I found you via

trixx said...

My daughter loves animals so the Critter Cutters set would be perfect for her! trixpixel(at)

trixx said...

I'm a subscriber. trixpixel(at)

trixx said...

I'm a follower. trixpixel(at)

lace said...

WE'd love the critter set.

cpullum said...

I would love to win Critter Cutter Set !!!

Amy said...

Definitely the critter cutters - how cute!

Susan said...

I'd love the Match & Munch. We've only had school for 6 weeks and already we are running out of ideas to help make lunch fun!

Anonymous said...

I like the Critter Cutters.

Anonymous said...

I tweeted

Anonymous said...

I get the RSS feed.

Anonymous said...

I found you on Prizey.

Oneangel said...

I love the critter cutters.

angie said...

So Cute! Love the Match & Munch.


Renee said...

Critter Cutters!

Renee said...

I found you on Prizey

Lisa R said...

I like both but the munch and mate have bigger shapes. I think the other one will have messier pieces

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I like the Critter Cutters!


Mommyhood is Thankless said...


Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I am a fan of you on Facebook! (Rebecca Ann C.)


Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I am a fan of the Lunch Punch on Facebook! (Rebecca Ann C.)


Mommyhood is Thankless said...

I found your site on Prizey

pickledseeds said...

I like the match and munch!

Kathy P said...

id love the Critter Cutters! :)

Kathy P said...

following on twitter klp1965

Kathy P said...

fan on facebook kathylpease

Kathy P said...

following your blog as klp1965
kathy pease

cman said...

Match & Munch.. I love that pic with all the puzzle sandwiches all together!

dvice12 said...

I'd like the Match & Munch

lilyk said...

The Critter Cutters look very nice!

mummy2jj said...

wow i see my name i am a winner!