Friday, October 9, 2009

Daddy's Design Giveaway - CLOSED!

UPDATE: THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED! Congratulations to Erinjeany for winning!

Are you a new dad? Frustrated with all the gizmos and gadgets that come with a new baby? Know a new dad who is? Well, this giveaway is for you! Hey, you don't have to be a new dad to be frustrated by some of those who's-its and what's-its. Thingamabobs frustrate Aunties, Uncles, Grandparents, anyone who cares for baby.

Meet the Snoogie Seat. Comfortable. Secure. Supports baby's neck and head.

Lightweight, durable, and ready for travel.

Win a Snoogie Seat from Daddy's Design!

Choose between brown or pink monkey for your little one.

Vent your frustrations here. Tells us your frustrations about new baby gadgets. What frustrates you?

  • To enter just leave a comment telling us your frustrations with baby gizmos include your name and email (we need to be able to contact you if you win!
  • Open to USA Only - 48 cont. states
  • Competition closes October 23
  • Click here to earn extra entries!


Unknown said... 1

I get frustrated because as soon as you buy something for your baby, they come out with something that is more convenient and more of what you really need. It is a never ending cycle!

Unknown said... 2

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Mami2jcn said... 6

I get frustrated with our infant swing. It seems to be made for an older baby, because our 6 week old always seems to lean forward and fall asleep with her nose smashed up against the tray.

Mfalcon13 said... 7

I'm frustrated with the constant recalls of baby products. Don't they test them sufficiently BEFORE they go on the market? It's hard to keep up sometimes with the recalls.

mfalcon13 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Mfalcon13 said... 8

Email subscriber.

mfalcon13 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Bri said... 9

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I find it frustrating that products don't live up to the money I pay for it!

Anonymous said... 10

Expensive products that are only used for a few months is frustrating!

Anonymous said... 11

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lil misses' mama said... 12

I get frustrated when toys and play centers are too short-lived and outgrown before they've really even been used because of their limited appeal.

lil misses' mama said... 13

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lil misses' mama said... 14

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lil misses' mama said... 15

I found you through etsy giveaways blog.

slb3334 said... 16

those items that you get but don't really need like wipe warmers.

Anna said... 17

I get frustrated by baby items that require a lot of putting together!

Anna said... 18

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Anna said... 19

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Anna said... 20

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Anna said... 21

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Michelle AKA blabla3269 said... 22

The loads of recalls and safety concerns. If things are so much more advanced now compaired to 30 years ago why cant they get it right the first time?

Anna said... 23

I follow you on Twitter.

Anna said... 24

I follow Daddy's Designs on Twitter

Angela said... 25

I am frustrated by how they change what is best for your baby. For example, walkers were used when we were kids and now they are considered so dangerous. Also, right after my son was born, bpa was determined to be bad so now all my bottles need to be replaced for my next baby!

Anonymous said... 26

I get frustrated buying stuff for my baby that I never even use because my daughter either hates them or it's just easier to do without them. examples: bottles, pacifiers, diaper holder, hooded towels, baby monitor, etc.....


melissalam100@ yahoo dot com

katrina f. said... 27

I don't like having to deal with recalls - why can't they just make them right the first time? Also, buying things you think you need and then never use - like bottle-feeding equipment when breastfeeding.

Anonymous said... 28

i am frustrated that nothing including my son's highchair and carseat have easily removable covers for cleaning!!

AStarrA said... 29

I get frustrated that baby stuff isn't easier to clean and half the stuff you buy you can only use for maybe a few months tops!

AStarrA said... 30

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Kelli said... 34

I get frustrated that there aren't more toys that are made to grow with the baby. I like to see a toy where a baby is playing and then a one year old is playing, too. Perfect for siblings as well.

Sarah said... 35

I get frustrated with things that can't be easily cleaned.

sarah at

Sarah said... 36

twitter follower - @whitelilydreams

This Mama Rocks said... 37

It is frustraiting to buy something when your child out grows it so quickly. Would looove to win this! Thanks for the great giveaway.

This Mama Rocks said... 38

follow on facebook as holly

This Mama Rocks said... 39

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This Mama Rocks said... 40

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This Mama Rocks said... 41

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janaemadsen said... 42

I think one of my main frustrations with baby gear is when you get new stuff and the baby just throws up on it- they are too hard to wash and too bulky.

janaemadsen said... 43

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Tylerpants said... 44

I get frustrated that there seems to be way too many options. Getting a stroller requires tons of research because there are hundreds of options! It's overwhelming!

Tylerpants said... 45

I'm a subscriber. tylerpants(at)

Anna said... 46
This comment has been removed by the author.
CanCan (Mom Most Traveled) said... 47

I find all of the bottle making supplies to be confusing, like the warmers and such. I worked in a nursery and it got stressful :)

onlycancan ta hotmail tod com

I would like the brown one!

bison61 said... 48

I'm tired of the recalls

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said... 49

I hate how there are worries about everything - bpa stuff, buttons come off., worries worries worries


Jay said... 50

If I didn't have dh there is no way I could put any of the cribs or car seats together!

BeautyFromAshes said... 51

It frustrates me when I get something, then have no idea how to put it together...Everything comes with so many parts.

Michelle @ Women Who Win said... 52

I'm frustrated that nothing serves more than 1 function. It's so expensive to have a baby because I have to buy SO much stuff! gRR. --Michelle, blogattoday[-at]gmaildotcom

Michelle @ Women Who Win said... 53

I follow Daddys Design on Twitter! I'm @sweepstakesgirl! --Michelle, blogattoday[-at]gmaildotcom

Michelle @ Women Who Win said... 54

Tweet! :) --Michelle, blogattoday[-at]gmaildotcom

Michelle @ Women Who Win said... 55

Found your giveaway listed at Thanks! --Michelle, blogattoday[-at]gmaildotcom

Michelle @ Women Who Win said... 56

Tweet! :) --Michelle, blogattoday[-at]gmaildotcom

Linda said... 57

I get frustrated with all the recalls from baby products to baby toys, seems like everything I get I have to keep a watch out for recalls!

Michelle @ Women Who Win said... 58

Tweet! :) --Michelle, blogattoday[-at]gmaildotcom

one frugal lady said... 59

Baby toys are the most frustrating!
First of all, you have to pick out a toy out of the insanely enormous selections out there.
Second, whatever you do buy, you can be sure that that toy is not getting out of the package easily! You are gonna need special baby toy package cutters! (Companies have a gizmo for everything now!)
Third, after all this, you gotta make sure that your child really does like it, and it is not just wasted money!
Last- There will be a new, really cool toy out in a few weeks to make your last toy look pathetic.

Anna said... 60

I tweeted this giveaway:

Brandi said... 61

I'm frustrated that you have to have so many baby gadgets, and none of them are very versatile!! We have a baby due in Feb and two closets FULL of baby items. I would love to win this, though.

brandi.westmoreland @

Myspiral said... 62

I get frustrated with useless gizmos that look cool but NEVER get used.

Xenia said... 63

BATTERIES. I'm so frustrated that everything takes batteries and eats them so quickly that the sound or lights or whatever gets all warped or doesn't work.

Everything should plug in. Particularly big things like swings or bouncy seats. Batteries are so annoying and expensive!

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said... 64

I follow on Twitter (@thxmailcarrier).

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said... 65

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xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said... 66

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xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said... 67


xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said... 68

I follow DaddysDesign on Twitter (@thxmailcarrier).

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Xenia said... 69

I got here originally from Prizey.

xpsundell at gmail dot com

Moonbaby23 said... 70

i am frustrated because when u buy things for ur baby its so expensive and then later they have something better and more expensive out!

Moonbaby23 said... 71

i am also a follower on facebook!

erma said... 72

Sometimes you just can't figure them out.

GroverFamily said... 73

the cost of everything! and half the time the baby doesnt like it or you just dont us the product...amalgrover(at)hotmail(dot)com

GroverFamily said... 74

i found your blog through
i have found a lot of great blogs this was! amalgrover(at)hotmail(dot)com

Walter A said... 75

I get frustrated when my baby craps all over her expensive toys. I mean come on baby! What's the deal?!

Angela G said... 76

It's frustrating because you need so many different gadgets and they only use them for a short time.

Angela G said... 77

I follow on twitter (ag1414)

JamieMich said... 78

I get frustrated when something bigger and better comes out after you think you are getting the best.

JamieMich said... 79

I follow thebrowncouch on twitter!

JamieMich said... 80

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JamieMich said... 81

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Honey + Lime said... 82

So, there are a couple of things I dislike about baby gadgets...

a) figuring out how to assemble them
b) once they are assembled, figuring out how they actually work.
c) most larger baby gadgets are rarely portable.

Thanks for the contest!

Honey + Lime said... 83

Following on Twitter! @dee_greatest

Honey + Lime said... 84

Following your blog

Corisimo Capucci said... 85

I'm frustrated at the lack of boy oriented baby items that are not sports or car/airplane related!

jennifer57 said... 86

I'm frustated over some of the new products because the quality just isn't there as it used to be. Too many things are being imported from China.

trixx said... 87

I hate how expensive baby things are, I don't understand why simple things like bibs & bottles are so pricey!

trixx said... 88

'm a subscriber.

trixx said... 89

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Anonymous said... 90

The most frustrating thing for me is when baby products.. the ones you actually need are never on sale! Why can't diapers ever be on buy one get one?

Michelle @ Women Who Win said... 91

Tweet! :) --Michelle, blogattoday[-at]gmaildotcom

Amanda D. said... 92

Anytime I buy a baby gizmo, it isn't long before it is somehow broken. macd82 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 93

If something isn''t on the recall list it's on the "sit inthe corner and collect dust" list. Can we get some quality made great products?

Awesome giveaway, new baby in December! :)

Thank you

jgamb7 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... 94

Follow on twitter - PegasusFeathers

Anonymous said... 95

Facebook fan! Wife-Amanda Marie

Thanks again :)

Renee said... 96

I get frustrated by all the baby gadgets that take batteries and drain the juice from said batteries like vampire bats sucking blood! I can remember feeding the "Dracula" baby monitors almost weekly when my daughter was younger.

Erinjeany said... 97

My frustration with baby gizmos is that everything is made too cheaply these days! {and expensive} When we were kids my mom and aunt used the same things on 5 of us! I am having trouble with things lasting through ONE baby!

This seat is so awesome! I would love to win the brown one! I need to share this with my readers! I'm sure more people would love to hear about it!

Thanks for the entry! :)


Erinjeany said... 98

I follow you on twitter. @erinjeany


Erinjeany said... 99

I follow them on twitter! @erinjeany


Erinjeany said... 100

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Erinjeany said... 101

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Erinjeany said... 102

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Erinjeany said... 103

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Erinjeany said... 104

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Erinjeany said... 105

I got to this giveaway through


Sheila Hickmon said... 106

I get frustrated with all the recalls. With both my kiddos, the crib we bought got recalled. We had to go get a new crib the day after we brought my son home from the hospital.
THanks for the giveaway!


Sheila Hickmon said... 107

I'm a fan of yours on facebook! Sheila H.


Sheila Hickmon said... 108

I'm a fan of theirs on facebook! Sheila H.


Sheila Hickmon said... 109

I follow you on twitter! mom2anutball


Sheila Hickmon said... 110

I found your giveaway from

Tinyblessing said... 111

My frustration is that you spend a fortune and use the stuff for no time at all!
lil.blessing at gmail dot com

Creative Fly Designz said... 112

I get frustrated with all this baby stuff sometimes .. because I think back when I was a baby, and we didnt have half this stuff, and we all turned out fine ... didnt we? :)

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said... 113

I get frustrated because they don't usually make stuff that will last a long time. Everything is so disposable these days.

Lisa Garner said... 114

My frustration with baby items is how you spend a lot of time researching and looking for the best products, spend a ton of money on them and then they are prompty recalled due to safety issues. Why are these problems not more obvious to them!?
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said... 115

I'm following you on Twitter user lisalmg.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said... 116

I'm also a fan on Facebook user Lisa Garner. Thanks!
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

smitchathome said... 117

What I find frustrating is the multitude of gadgets out there that parents could do without. Things like a pacifier holder. I think its a great gadget and useful, but that mean that half the new parents using this don't even remember to wash and sterilize the pacifier because it never hits the ground? Just a thought.
smitchathome at aol dot com

~*~lilshuga2001~*~ said... 118

Expensive trpoducts that your child outgrows way too fast!!!!! GRRR!!

susansmoaks said... 119

I hate how many gadgets there are and how hard it is to carry them with me everywhere i go.

susansmoaks said... 120

i follow on twitter @mrstls

Hotsnotty2 said... 121

Its annoying putting together baby furniture, it took about 3 days to but together a crib!

Kathy P said... 122

what frustrates me is everything you want seems to be so expensive now a days that you end up looking for things you need at yard sales etc etc

Kathy P said... 123

following on twitter klp1965

Kathy P said... 124

fan on facebook kathylpease

Kathy P said... 125

following on twitter klp1965

Kathy P said... 126

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Kathy P said... 127

following daddys design on twitter klp1965

Kathy P said... 128

daddys design fan on facebook kathylpease

justicecw said... 129

What frustrates me most is when the instructions for things are just pictures with minimal words. I get that not everyone reads English or reads at all but sometimes I really need to see instructions written out! thanks for the chance,

justicecw said... 130

I follow you on twitter = justicecw

justicecw said... 131

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cman said... 132

Batteries annoy me! My husband was telling me about swings when they used to have hand cranks. I wouldn't mind one of those!

Nadia said... 133

I get frustrated with baby gizmos because the batteries die so quickly!

Angie said... 134

It seems as though the batteries last for 5 minutes on our baby swing!