And thanks ReBinder for being so awesome!
Well, we tried going without the comment verification thing for a while...but after a whole bunch of spam, we're going to have to stop re-engage it unfortunately.
Sorry to all!
Seems like our background got the flu and died. A pox on thee, Tinypic!
Background is now with the wonderful people at Photobucket. Yay!
I (Mr Couch) want to stress that a lot of the blog is still in beta mode. So, if things start blowing up, if wisps of smoke begin emanating from your screen - don't be alarmed. It's just the blog. Still in beta mode.
But we're working on it!
Folks, this is where we're going to keep you updated with what's going on at BCE. While our reviews, giveaways, etc will always be in the main post section-y thing to the left there, we'll use this to let you know what we've done to the site to make it a better experience for YOU!
If you love this idea, or hate it, or just want to tell us about your day, then send us a thing.
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