Saturday, October 31, 2009

Winning Moves' Cir*Kis Review

Are you in the northern hemisphere? Is it cold out right now? Do you face the prospect of ten or more feet of snow this winter?

If you answered yes to any of the above, stop reading this blog and move to a small island in the South Pacific immediately.

Seriously,'s winter and it's cold. You're looking for stuff to do. With the economy the way it is, what, you're going to the movies? You're gonna take your two kids and spend seventy bucks of your hard-earned for two hours of sequelised entertainment and junk food that's 70% more expensive than it should be?

We.........have an alternative! 106 of you left comments on our Winning Moves' Cir*Kis giveaway, indicating at least a passing interest in board games. I (Mr Couch) want to encourage the rest of you to jump on board (bad pun intended). Board games are a great way to encourage competition, fair play, and in many cases, reflexes and hand-eye co-ordination. Not to mention, problem-solving and you know, actually using your brain.

So what are you waiting for! Get into some good, wholesome, inexpensive fun. We gave Cir*Kis to our reviewer Katie to do just that......

So, seriously...I was all types of excited to be able to play and review this game. It got awards people! It MUST be AWESOME! Well...not so much.

Honestly, I was extremely disappointed in this game. I was bored with it after the first few moves, and that's hard to do because I do not get bored easily. Especially when it comes to games. I love games...LOVE 'em.

So anyway, yeah. Did not like this one at all. It was also very frustrating trying to keep the pieces in place. They don't "snap it" like it says. More like just "lay where you place them". We were always trying to straighten and fix previous pieces played, which took longer than playing the actual game.

But whatever, if you don't mind that sort of thing, than maybe you could give this game a try and see what you think. Of course, this is only my opinion, and many other people have enjoyed this game...but I just don't see it.
  • The functionality: 6
  • Ease of use: 6
  • Packaging: 10
  • Visual appeal: 10
  • Durability: 10
  • Recommendability: 2
  • Value for money: 5
