Friday, October 9, 2009

A big thank you and an update

Today, we hit 200 followers. A massive thank you to everyone! To everyone who stopped by, wondering what a Brown Couch had to do with an event, and what was an online event anyway? To everyone who entered one of our giveaways, or read a review, or clicked an ad. Boy, we just love you guys. I'm getting emotional about it all.

We're convinced that this online event thing has potential, and we plan on riding that potential like a colt that needs to be broken in. And we want you to come along for the ride. Win prizes, interact with people, win more prizes, play the games we put up. We're thrilled to have you and we hope you'll stop by.

Now, we need to update you all on the Chaotic Kristy Baby Shower: you probably haven't seen too many posts to do with the baby shower, aside perhaps from our awesome Radio Flyer giveaway and a couple others. And, there's a good reason for that...and when someone finds out what it is could they please let us know? No, I'm just kidding.

The thing is, because we had to extend the Back to School Thingy (it proved to be more popular than we thought) everything else, meaning the baby shower, got backed up. So, YES the Chaotic Kristy Baby Shower is still on - but it's being extended. We'll let you know when the new end date is.

And lastly, we are overhauling the site. We're trashing this design and going with something better - something slick and purposeful and functional. If you have any ideas for the site - anything you hate that you wish were there/not there, anything you can think of to make this a more enjoyable experience for you, then leave a comment or, e-mail us.

Because after all, this is your site too.


Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

You are so welcome. I found your blog when you entered a giveaway at my birthday bash. You are doing a great job....keep up the great blogging!

bonggamom said...

Congratulations on 200 followers! Keep up the good work!

BTW I wanted to let you know, I've got a new roundup post where you can promote your giveaways:

I’ll be doing this every Friday, and you are most welcome to promote your own giveaways by leaving a link! Thanks so much!